Here are some tips about How you can boost your business and SEO Ranking through Instagram. There are many company who are using Social Media platforms for there business growth. We also need to understand that recently Google has updated their algorithm and inform us that now Social Media is not consider as ranking factor. So from now onwords Social Media activity doesn’t have any direct affects on your SEO ranking. So now what?
There are some of the default activity you have to follow to track your success.
- Track Success of Instagram Link
Whenever you use any link in Instagram then keep in mind that use Google URL Builder to track record of all the link. The thing is that you don’t have to use long URL and track each and every link and if possible you used custom URL Builder and add the name of your brand that will help in brand recall as well.
- Use Location as CTA
When you published any images on Instagram customize your location. When you published any image then your location shows just below your image you shared. So when you use any image for publishing use customizable Geotagging in the Images to target your users for the particular location. You can use mannual typing of the location. Yes you can use mannual typing and Instagram doesn’t required you to verify your location exists.
- Research and Use Hashtags
As You know Instagram have more then billions of Users and it is itself like a search engine.
Instagram is a search engine in and of itself. Taking the time to research the hashtags you want to use can ensure you’re choosing the ones with the most traffic volume that are relevant to your post. Simply include the list of hashtags at the end of your post, rather than worrying about weaving them naturally in the description.
Use tools like Websta, Hashtagify, and Keyhole to research hashtags. Search your ideas to see who is using the hashtags you are considering. Check out the top 100 hashtags to get ideas and see what people are using most often. It’s recommended to limit your hashtags no more than four to nine.
You can also create your own branded hashtag to promote, and encourage people to use it when they are posting content that’s related to your brand. When people post images of your products in use, you want them to get exposure, too. While you can (and should) repost the content, the hashtag use will help searchers find it, even if you don’t happen to see it first.
- Change Your URL Often
Since Instagram does not allow you to put links in each one of your posts, you are limited to the single link in your profile. This means you’ll want to change it out often, according to the campaigns you’re running, or to beef up the traffic volume to certain pages. Take advantage of the space and send people to different landing pages, product pages, or articles you want to promote. When you think of the link as a call to action, or the link between engagement and return on investment, you’ll get a better idea of when you want to change the link, what you want to change it to, and how often you want to change it.
- Social Engagement more traffic and links :
When your audience will share your content then you will gain popularity and will help to drive more traffic to your website and hence build the big social media fan base which help you to drive traffic and when people will share your content among other users and it will helpful for them then they will surly embed your website and give you backlinks. So that effect your backlink strategy as well.
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